Sunday, July 15, 2007


I have made my resolve, this post will seal my decision and by crum, I must endure. I need all my friends and family's help. All of you, I need your full support, this has been very hard for me. 10 years of smoking has taken its toll and I want to forget this dumb vice FOREVER. I want to be SMOKE FREE FOR LIFE!!! As of 10:00PM this 15th of July,2007 I have started quitting. This website has been crucial to my decision. But more importantly I have my girlfriend to thank for her constant reminder and love that made it possible for me to arrive at this point, thank you Lhen. Now it has begun... I'm so happy I'm finally doing this...


Unknown said...

Oh well...(<---insert rolling on the floor laughing biatch here)

Unknown said...

so not true..